A couple of weeks back, we came across reports hinting that Samsung could launch the Galaxy Note 9 flagship smartphone earlier than usual. The unveiling event was expected to take place around July end, but now, a latest report from South Korea states that the launch has been pushed ahead at least by two weeks. Sources closer to Korean outlet, The Bell , claim that last minute design change is one of the reasons for the delay. Reportedly, Samsung’s vice chairman Lee Jae-yong who was visiting China when he tried out the Vivo and Oppo devices, and found that they are easier to hold. He then ordered his team to reduce the thickness by 0.5mm of the glass that covers the display. At the time of Galaxy Note 7, Samsung rushed the production and launch, which turned out to be a fatal mistake. It’s good to see Samsung now taking quality control measures, without rushing the release. Even with two-weeks delay, the company still gets some time to captur...