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Double Your Fun with a Double Date!

It’s a common phenomenon that, once a couple settles into the joys of a relationship, hanging out with friends takes on a totally new dynamic. Whether you’re a guy or a gal, hanging out with your single friends as a couple can get a little weird at times. And, in turn, your single friends end up feeling like the third wheel on your love bike. As a result, both singles and couples often find themselves spending time hanging out with their own kind rather than crossing the relationship-status divide.
So how do you find a double-date as a new couple?
While it seems like couples gravitate toward other couples, it’s not always easy to find couple friends that you both get along with. And, just like dating, finding a couple that meshes well with the both of you can take some trial and error. It’s almost like, well, dating.

Here are some tips on how to find the perfect couple for your double date…
Double Date Who You KnowIt’s worth starting the double date search by taking notice of the people in relationships that you already know. If you get along with someone who you know is in a relationship, you’re already half-way down the road of finding a double date.
Ask Someone Out at WorkWork may not be the best place to find someone to date casually but it’s a great place to find other couples to double date casually. Think of that work friend who you’ve always thought you’d hit it off with and invite them out.
Take It Slow
Once you’ve found a couple you’re interested in, It might be worth asking them if they’d like to get a drink or join you at an event. Just like dating, committing to a full-on dinner might be a bit premature. Instead, take it slow and keep exploring the edges of your social circle and soon you’ll have plenty of couple friends to double-up on fun activities with you and your partner.


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